Genitorialità a rischio

Responsabile scientifico: Prof.ssa Lavinia Barone
Membri del gruppo di ricerca: Dott. Nicola Carone, Dott.ssa Francesca Lionetti


– Barone, L., & Carone, N. (2020). Childhood abuse and neglect experiences, Hostile-Helpless attachment, and reflective functioning in mentally ill filicidal mothers. Attachment & Human Development. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1080/14616734.2020.1738510 PDF

– Barone, L., Bramante, A., Lionetti, F., & Pastore, M. (2014). Mothers who murdered their child: An attachment-based study on filicide. Child Abuse & Neglect38, 1468–1477. PDF

– Frigerio, A., Costantino, E., Ceppi, E., & Barone, L. (2013). Adult Attachment Interviews of women from low-risk, poverty, and maltreatment risk samples: Comparisons between the hostile/helpless and traditional AAI coding systems. Attachment & Human Development15, 424–442. PDF
